Saturday, May 28, 2011

face the horror

have addmath paper today,although i tried hard for it.
but, in the end, effort end in smoke :(
i left so many blank space in my paper :(
so SAD;( damn sad.
cry doesn't help.
it can't make change your result.
but then, what else can i do?
CRY la, of coz =(

went canteen to fillup my tummy dumdeedum(:
wif mommy and seik.
my laopo's' came, then chit chat :D
LOL,long time no chat since last 2 week.
coz all of us busying do revision for exam.
heheee..have fun.laugh till damn great/haigei (:

went for the sesi marah ppl in DK.
actually, not so bad wad.
didn't cry for this. (:
sad lar when i think of today's paper.
aih.aih.aih.aih.dead ==
today's a hoorrror :(
eeeeeeeee...when i think of today's stuuff...
eehhhh...bcareful wor. (:
just a reminder to you, if you view my bloggyyy blogsherayn :)
woooots...2mr's gonna say byebye to laptop.
HOngki's nail is black in color :D
HOngki's hairstyle change edi, ehh....b4 that nicer, now....emmmm,O.k
HOngki's voice still so Amazing (:
LOve HOngki oweys.

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