Sunday, May 24, 2009

so hy..

It's been a long time for finding this paper.
And, I saw it under my table xP

It says:
Mr Robert Collins was known far and wide as a curiously generous man. He would give you, they said,at the drop of the hat, the very shirt off his back.

Friends, strangers, colleagues, famiy could tella story of a time Mr.Collins opened his heart or his wallet to them. He also gave freely of his time, his money and himself, when they are most in need.

There was once when he was lo0oking after his very sick mother, who was already at her dead bed, when he received a phone call. One of his colleagues, a women needed a ride urgently to the airport to take a flight to visit her father who had suddenly been taken ill. What did Mr. Collins do?

He left his dying mother to drive his friend to the airport, 20 kilometres away from home. When he came back, his mother has passed away. He cried for her and then proceeded with plans for her funeral.

That is Mr. Collins for you, and for me. He is a figure who can never be forgotten.

Saw this in a book, entitled: "Total PRO PMR English" while I was finding the oral thingie^^
This book is written by, Terasha Stanslas and J.T. Shiva. Page 197.

Believe it or NOT!

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